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Olivia felt the pressure in her ribs as the massive cock was paving the way inside her. Soon the horse’s swollen balls were hitting her pussy, as it’s entire 23 inch cock was repeatedly buried in her asshole. Each time the horse’s pelvis slapped against her ass, Olivia hoped and prayed it would be the last. Her mind being completely occupied by the massive intruder, she didn’t even consider the finale. The horse was in no hurry to reach this finale, relishing in the tightness of Olivia’s ass.. Leaning down, he took it into his mouth and gently bit. Lisa cried out and he could feel her contract around him. Both her hands went to his head, and as he continued to softly nibble she began breathlessly chanting."Yes, yes, oh, yes..."Fred suddenly felt his own release coming, and thrusting into her even faster he briefly released her breast to give her warning. She replied by pulling his mouth up to hers, and as their lips touched he could feel his seed flowing into her. He stopped. I managed to shake the slightly pleasuring thought away for the time being.-I took the pill. I wanted him, I wanted to be safe, and I did not want to force him to use protection. “I’m sorry about… the contact incident.” Blaine said, gently stroking my hands with his thumb.I shook my head lightly before I spoke, “It’s okay, really… I… I was wondering if we could talk about that.” I said sheepishly, tapping my fingers nervously on my lap.His brow furrowed for a moment before he nodded.I cleared. ”Bonnie, Molly, Ben, Em, and Tara were in the backseat. Brandy and Ms. Jorgenson were in the passenger seat, which was a bucket seat and they were laughing as they tried to get settled.Ben got out with Em and Tara. Their parents were gone for two days and he was staying over. That left Bonnie and Molly in the backseat and Molly was in a heated, whispering phone conversation with Marc. As soon as I pulled into our carport, Molly grabbed me and kissed me, then Brandy. Then she kissed Bonnie on.
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